Foto syur Wulan Guritno (Fake Pictures)A loyal reader sent me this picture of Wulan Guritno. I want to stress, this is a fake picture. It is not real. Wulan Guritno has never (not yet?) to the best of my knowledge poses in nude, and this picture is provided solely for your entertainment and educational purposes.

The picture of Wulan Guritno was re-touched without her permissions. The picture made by cutting and pasting the head of Wulan Guritno onto the body of nude model. Not only, Wulan Guritno, there are a lot Indonesia’s fake celebrities photos has been circulating in internet, such us Kiki Amalia, Happy Salma, Sandra Dewi, Dian Sastro, Desy Ratnasari, Cut Tari, Bunga Citra Lestari, Nia Ramadhani, Tamara Bleszensky and etc.

So, if you found one of those celebrities nude pictures then read this post to ensure real or fake.

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